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What Makes a House Feel Like a Home?

What Makes a House Feel Like a Home?

A house and a home are totally different vibes. Have you ever walked into someone’s home and instantly felt welcome and cozy? Or the opposite (yikes!) A home is a reflection of the people who live inside, so it’s important to personalize and decorate in a way that reflects the personalities and tastes of the people who spend the most time there. A home should be comfortable and functional, with enough space for everyone to live and relax.

Additionally, a house can feel like a home when it is filled with memories and sentimental items, such as photographs and heirlooms. It’s a place where people feel safe and secure, and when it is a sanctuary where people can be themselves without judgment. A sense of warmth, love and belonging make people truly feel at home. Let us know if you need help aligning your home with your essence. We know what to do!

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